Flexidry Bio-Waste Depackaging System
Advanced Food Waste Depackager
FLEXIDRY is an innovative depackaging machine that can extract organic substrate of superior quality. It is ideal for the agri-foodstuffs, supermarket (superstores) and restaurant industries that sort and recover their production, unsold and leftover food waste. By properly separating the contents from their packaging, the purity of the organic fraction meets the needs of biogas, compost and animal feed manufacturers.
Key strengths
Flexibility – FLEXIDRY processes all types of packaging including cans. Both its operating mode and onsite integration are highly flexible.
Quality – The recovered organics presents less that 0.5% inert material in dry matter. Adjustment of flow and water allows it to meet our clients’ quality requirements.
Innovative Technology
FLEXIDRY technology reduces damage to packaging, and therefore, avoids mixing inerts with the organic matter. Thanks to the PERFORATION-COMPRESSION-SCREENING process, FLEXIDRY requires little preparation of the incoming biowaste and no filtration equipment for the organic matter.
How can we help you?
Please get in touch for help with your waste, recycling and segregation needs.
We look forward to hearing from you